Be your own therapist
Basic Counsellor Training
This course is meant for people wanting to pursue mental health counselling as a profession. You will build a strong base and understanding of different therapeutic models as well as acquire basic skills in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming),
TA (Transactional Analysis) and Hypnotherapy.
At successful completion, you will be certified as a counsellor.
The course will be conducted over a period of 8 months with 24 sessions. Additionally, the curriculum includes short courses in TA, NLP, and Hypnotherapy.
Rahat Bagh Enclave, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore
Dates to be finalised
Fee Structure
Requirements to Certify
Sufficient attendance
Self work
Attendance of TA, NLP and Hypnotherapy sessions
Submitting transcripts of practice
Sign up here
Master Chef
Sumedha Bhise
Sumedha has over 30 years of experience as a Counsellor and Trainer. She is a certified NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner; licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist; accredited Brain Working Recursive Therapy practitioner, mentor, and trainer; certified in Past Life Regression Therapy and Spiritual Regression; with a diploma in Transpersonal Regression Therapy (TASSO trained). Her rich experience of working with many people and understanding their varied ways of processing information, handling situations, their metaprogrammes and differing levels of effectiveness helps her create a unique learning experience. Sumedha designs her own training programmes, using NLP as well as TA, Hypnotherapy, Gestalt therapy, Rogerian client-centred counselling, the Egan model of change, Carkhuff's model, Jung's inner dialoguing, REBT and Play Therapy. To enrich personal growth workshops and training programmes she includes creative games and exercises, with practical examples drawn from her experience as well as from the group. She also has a BSc. degree from the University of Bombay and three decades of experience in Communications and Advertising. Other facilitators may be brought in from time to time.